- 快学Scala - 基础 Scala是一门非常有趣的语言, 它以JVM为目标环境, 将面向对象和函数式编程有机的结合, 带来独特的编程体验
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- NodeJs in Action (一) 前言 Node.js是专为编写网络和Web应用 而生的全新平台 Node.js基于v8引擎带来了优越的性能 Node.js的主要理论和创新就是它完全构 建在事件驱动、非阻塞的编程模型之上。 大量的三方模块给他的开发效率带来极大的提高 Node.js采用单进程运行,占用的资源大大减少 Node.js适合与频繁的短时请求场景,对于密集计算长耗时的应用并不适合 书籍源码:https://github.com/marcwan/LearningNodeJS
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- Angular's i18n tools Angular’s i18n toolsThe i18n tools help to assist translation of component template text into multiple languages.
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- Positioning in ng-bootstrap Positioning in ng-bootstrap A set of utility methods that can be use to retrieve position of DOM elements.It is meant to be used where we need to absolute-position DOM elements in relation to other, existing elements (this is the case for tooltips, popovers, typeahead suggestions etc.).
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- Use json-server as a REST service Install json-serverInstall$ npm install json-server -gCreate a mock-json.json file under project directory{ "todos": [ { "id": 1, "title": "todo 1", "createTime": 1234567890 }, { "id": 2, "title": "todo 2", "createTime": 1234567891 } ]}
- VS Code skills Append semicolon at end of the line Add Tariling Semicolon extension Press cmd + ; Auto-format on saving editor.formatOnSave
- Unit test with Karma in Angular2-webpack-starter Unit Test with Karma in Angular2-webpack-starter The entrance is karmr.conf.js in the root of the project // Look in ./config for karma.conf.jsmodule.exports = require('./config/karma.conf.js'); Requires the configuration file in config/karma.config.js The config file ```js
- Webpack configuration in Angular2-webpack-starter The configuration in root directory webpack.config.jsswitch (process.env.process.env.NODE_ENV) { case 'prod': case 'production': module.exports = require('./config/webpack.prod')({env: 'production'}); break; case 'test': case 'testing': module.exports = require('./config/webpack.test')({env: 'test'}); break; case 'dev': case 'development': default: module.exports = require('./config/webpack.dev')({env: 'development'});}
- Typedoc in Angular2-webpack-starter Typedoc Documentation generator for TypeScript projects Install $ npm install -g typedoc$ typedoc Usage $ typedoc --out path/to/documentation/ path/to/typescript/project/ Typedoc in Angular2-webpack-starter typedoc.json at root of the project { "mode": "modules", "out": "doc", "theme": "default", "ignoreCompilerErrors": "true", "experimentalDecorators": "true", "emitDecoratorMetadata": "true", "target": "ES5", "moduleResolution": "node", "preserveConstEnums": "true", "stripInternal": "true", "suppressExcessPropertyErrors": "true", "suppressImplicitAnyIndexErrors": "true", "module": "commonjs"} generate document to doc directory
- The tsconfig.json & tsconfig.webpack.json in Angular2-webpack-starter The difference between two files: tsconfig for webpack is used for prod build removes test dependences in types excludes unit test files and e2e test files add angularCompilerOptions for aot compile
- MathJax Example MathJax is a simple way of including Tex/LaTex/MathML based mathematics in HTML webpages. To get up and running you need to include the MathJax script in the header of your github pages page, and then write some maths. For LaTex, there are two delimiters you need to know about, one for block or displayed mathematics , and the other for inline mathematics .
- Hello World You’ll find this post in your _posts directory - edit this post and re-build (or run with the -w switch) to see your changes!To add new posts, simply add a file in the _posts directory that follows the convention: YYYY-MM-DD-name-of-post.ext.
- Override Author Byline Test Post An article to test overriding the default site author.
- Syntax Highlighting Post Demo post displaying the various ways of highlighting code in Markdown.
- Sample Link Post Example and code for using link posts.
- A Post with a Video Custom written post descriptions are the way to go… if you’re not lazy.
- Post with Large Feature Image and Text Custom written post descriptions are the way to go… if you’re not lazy.
- A Post with Images Examples and code for displaying images in posts.
- Testing Readability with a Bunch of Text A ton of text to test readability.
- Sample Post Just about everything you’ll need to style in the theme: headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, tables, code blocks, and more.
深入浅出React和Redux> 深入浅出React和Redux> 深入浅出React和Redux> 深入浅出React和Redux> 深入浅出React和Redux> 深入浅出React和Redux> 深入浅出React和Redux> 深入浅出React和Redux> 深入浅出React和Redux>